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Five Fast Ideas for an Organized Spring Closet

Quick spring closet organizing tips

I love finding ways to welcome in each season, and there's no better way to start than by organizing your wardrobe. Spring has sprung almost overnight here in Houston, and you can transform your closet just as quickly.

Here are some of my favorite ideas to take your closet from winter warmth to springtime fresh.

1) Don't try to do it all at once

Unless you have a lot of time and really love organizing, pick a single category to start with. Your t-shirts or coat collection can be sorted and organized relatively quickly. An entire closet cannot.

2) Make four piles and label them Wear Now, Wear Later, Donate and Toss.

To get started, clear some space on your bed or the floor and label four pieces of paper for your categories: Wear Now, Wear Later, Donate and Toss. Sort your clothes into these categories and get bags ready ahead of time for things you'll be purging. We use white bags for donations and dark bags for trash so we don't get mixed up.

  • Wear Now is all of the following: it fits you now, you like it, it's in good condition and it's season-appropriate.

  • Wear Later: a keeper but doesn't quite fit or match the season.

  • Donate: it's in good condition but you don't like it anymore or don't want to fit into it.

  • Toss: the dirty and damaged.

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3). Sort the keepers by color

Do a quick Google search and grab a color wheel for a ROYGBIV makeover in your closet. Since you just edited, you'll know instantly if you have too many of something, or if you no longer have a color you usually wear (I'm talking to you, white t-shirts).

This saves you time and money as new spring clothes hit the buying more of something you already have. Plus, simply seeing your clothes arranged in this way makes your closet look great. Pro tip: If you get stuck on a color, go with your best guess. When you see everything together at the end, you'll know if something looks out of place.

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4) Add rod dividers

If you haven't tried rod dividers, you're missing out on a terrific way to keep your clothes sorted while adding a boutique feel. Once your clothes are sorted, simply drop a divider on the rod between the categories and add a label.

They come with pre-printed labels or you can add your own if you'd like a more specific breakdown. If your climate is between seasons, add a Winter category for items you'll wear for a bit longer before fully committing to Spring. Add a divider to your Wear Later section as well. If you don't wear anything in that section within a year, it's time to make room for something else.

5) Go to the donation center the same day

It's no fun revisiting that bag of old clothes every time you open the trunk of your car. Plus you'll physically and mentally feel better when the weight of unwanted items has been cleared out!

If you tried this, I'd love to hear how it worked for you. If you'd like us to organize for you, get started now with your complementary consultation.

Basket & Bin is a luxury professional home organizer serving greater Houston and beyond since 2017. Travel service is available across all 50 states. Follow along for more tips and before-and-afters on Instagram @basketandbin_tx


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